At Polson Bourbonniere Derby Wealth Management we know there's more to a Worry Free Retirement than just money
Check out these useful links for some valuable resources.
1. Where do I start?
With the first step of The Worry Free Retirement Experienceâ„¢: Assess. At your first meeting with us we will start this process and proceed with the next two steps: Establish and Identify.
2. What services do you provide?
As CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professionals we can design a full financial plan for you as part of the Worry Free Retirement Process. This includes tax and estate planning, risk management (insurance needs) and investment planning.
3. What are your fees?
There is no fee for an initial consultation! One of the goals for our first consultation is to review your individual circumstances and determine the appropriate fee to be charged for developing your personal Worry Free plan.
4. Can I access my account information online?
Yes, all of our clients have access to their investment accounts on the Internet.
5. How much will I need to retire?
This is what we will help you determine as part of the Worry Free Retirement Process. Many factors are considered such as lifestyle, retirement age and personal risk tolerance. The answer to this question will be different for everyone.
Choose the Worry Free Retirement Experience™